Tuesday, August 31

Thank You, Paris...

I'm not big into the Hollywood scene, but I do catch the headlines like most people. But, for some reason I totally missed this one, and my friend Annie sent it to me as a hair idea. When I saw Paris Hilton's new mug shot, the first thing I thought was "That's some cute hair!"

Anyway, here is our take on it.

Start with two french braids. I had to start mine a little further back, and I should have messed the part a little bit...

Section a bit of hair at the top, and pull the two braids together in the back.

Hopefully the only mug shot Emma will ever have...

Super simple, and pretty stinkin' cute. I think instead of thanking Paris, I should be thanking her stylist. That's a cute do...


  1. I saw that mug shot and thought the same thing. Paris may be a basket-case, but that is some good hair. Looks great on your baby!

  2. too cute! pehaps she was tring to look less guilty!it is such a sweet hair do

  3. I love it! Some day we will have long enough hair around here!
