Sunday, August 29

Sunday Dos

It's been a LONG summer. I'm a little happy to be back to a normal schedule tomorrow. (I'll say that now, but give me a few weeks and I'll be wishing for the long lost days of summer.) :)

Anyway, here are the dos that we did today for church. We didn't have much time, as usual, so they are pretty simple.

One front braid holds that front part of her hair back- if I just do piggies, that front section falls out pretty easily.

CHEESE! (She's learning how to say that when she takes pictures.) :) 

I started out trying to do two french braids with her hair, but it was still too short (and she's still too wiggly) This is a good alternative that looks like two french braids.

With Emma starting 2nd grade, she asked if we could cut her hair short. I thought that was a little drastic for now, so I suggested bangs. At first she was a little worried, but she was brave and I cut them. It makes her look so different!

And her hair today was a simple bun. I'll have to do a little tutorial video on this one, because I didn't know what it would turn out like when I started, and it was super cute. It looks way more complicated than it is. I'm sure someone out there has figured out this bun before me...


  1. Love the styles and the bangs are super cute! ;)

  2. The bun is beautiful, Im looking forward to a tutorial on it!

  3. Cute!! I am looking forward to the tutorial as well! I like that bun very much :)

  4. I think She really suites bangs! She defintly looks older!
