Monday, May 21


Once again, I have managed to go months without blogging. Here a few of my BIG reasons: 

(In no particular order)
1. 4 kids
2.  Mount Laundry, and a house to take care of (blah- housework!)
3. Working on redoing a few rooms in the house
4. Building (almost by myself!) new benches and a table for my kitchen (Used adapted farm house table plans from Ana White here just in case anyone is interested)
5. Finishing my Masters Degree (Yehoo!!) 
6. Running the Pittsburgh Marathon (my second) with all seven of my siblings, a couple in-laws, one nephew, and my mom (Yay!) 

I'm looking forward to getting a little more regular with my blog posts again! Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like to see!

I am going to be making a few changes to  the look of the blog, as well as some posting additions. I have just started Weight Watchers as well as Insanity (definitely lives up to it's name) last week, so I want to post about that journey to help keep myself a little more accountable. Hope no one minds.

So, after all of my time away, is there anyone still out there reading this? :) 


  1. Welcome back! What a lot going on, that all sounds amazing. I definitely don't mind reading about your journey to better health. We've been working on that around here, too. (I'm 20 lbs down since January, yay!)
    I love all your hair posts, so I am not picky, but I do love seeing the ones you do on yourself. I struggle with trying to do my own hair, 90% of the time it just ends up in a ponytail or maybe a braid if I'm lucky... so simple and cute things to do are always a welcome addition!

  2. Still here, LOL. With four heads of hair to fix including my own. I love to see anything new, cute or easy to keep us looking good!:) Also, any tips for better health are always welcome. I am working on getting myself in gear. Had a couple set backs this year, but today is another day to get back on the wagon!!
