Tuesday, September 28

Pebbles Flintstone...

When I told Emma about this reader request, both she and Michael didn't know who I was talking about. Finally, after describing the joys of the Flintstones, they both had a realization, and Michael said, "OH! The baby on the Fruity Pebbles commercial!" Sad that they haven't actually seen the show.

Anyway, Stacy and her 9-year old daughter wrote and asked if I would show them how I would do Pebble's hair. So here's my inspiration:

So cute, little Pebbles. 

Anyway, I started off by making the bone for her hair. (I didn't just have one laying around.) I am working on some snake heads for Emma's costume, and used the same lightweight Model Magic. It was about $5 for a bigger package at Michael's. (would have been less if I had remembered one of the 3 coupons I had at home!) 

 Here's the bone. It is super light, so it shouldn't have a problem staying in her hair all night...

So, start with a super high ponytail- the higher the better.

Next, put the bone at the base of the ponytail, then take a small section of hair out of the pony. (You'll use this to wrap around the bone. I split that section in two, crossed them over the bone, and brought them back around the ponytail, where I crossed them again. Now depending on the length of hair you're working with, you'll want to repeat this. On Emma's I did it twice; just make sure you end up at the back of the ponytail. 

So take whatever is left of that hair that you've been wrapping around the bone, and tie it tightly with a rubberband to hold it in place. Remember Pebbles has crazy poofy hair, so this little  bit out of the ponytail won't even matter.

Now just frizz up the rest of the hair with a good dose of hairspray (I didn't do this because it's still a school day,) and you're all set with a super cute little Pebbles Flintstone do! 

Anyone else need a Halloween Idea?? 


  1. That is so cute! I'm going to try that on my daughter, I think it's so cute it would be good for anytime- not just Halloween! I love that!

  2. so i'm going to be a nerd for Halloween so I was wondering if you could do a kind of childish look. such as having pigtails on the side of the head except with only have of the hair, with like a braided twist to the front. I am 13 and doing this with a friend who is also going to be a nerd. We both have medium long black hair, a little under the shoulder. any ideas?
